1. There are more Fountains in Rome than anywhere else in the world.
In fact, the City of Rome has got more than 2000 fountains of various shapes and sizes. From some of them you can also drink and freshen up (but make sure the water is drinkable first)!
2. The Trevi Fountain is considered a money maker 
According to the tradition, every visitor who comes to Rome for the first time, has to throw 3 coins in the Trevi Fontain. Each of them refers to a specific wish to express : the first one is to come back again to Rome in the future, the second one is to meet the love of your life while the last one refers to the desire for marriage coming true. At the end of the day, over 3,000 Euros are collected for a total of 1.4 million Euros that are given in charity.
A fine giornata vengono raccolti oltre 3.000 euro per un totale di 1,4 milioni di euro che vengono dati in beneficienza.
3.The Hills of Rome are more than 7!
The ‘famous’ and ‘legendary’ Seven Hills of Rome are: Aventino, Celio, Esquilino, Quirinale, Viminale, Campidoglio and Palatine. Over the time, Rome’s boundaries have extended and now the include the Vatican, Pincio and Janiculum Hills, too.
4.Rome is not only a capital city
Rome is the Capital City of Italy, but within its borders, the Independent State of the Vatican City is included.
5. The Pantheon lights up with sunlinght on the day of Rome's birthday
One of the best time to visit the Pantheon is around April 21st, the day in which Romans Citizens celebrate the Birthday of Rome. In this day, at midday, the sun is perfectly aligned with the oculus, and its light enlighten the dome. In ancient times the Emperors used this event to organize a triumphal entry into the Pantheon, pretending to have been invited directly from Apollo (God of the Sun- for the Romans).
6.The Pantheon: one of the Romans Ancient Wonder
The Pantheon represents one of the most interesting example of Roman engineering: it was built in 27 BC. with a mixture of volcanic lava and concrete. All these things allowed it to be intact from from bad weather and wars all over the centuries.
7. The origins of the Spanish Steps
It lies between the Church of Trinità dei Monti and the Piazza di Spagna and dates back to the Baroque Era. The name comes from the homonymous Piazza di Spagna, for the Spanish Embassy that is located in the area
8. The first McDonald's in Italy
The first Fast Food Restaurant opened in Italy in March 1986, right next to the Spanish Steps. The interior decor of this fast food restaurant is a tribute to the Monumental Style of the City (you can find columns and statues).
9. In Rome, the scooter is better than the car!
The scooter allows us to move with agility through Roman traffic.
10 Feral Cats and their Special Rights
A municipal regulation protects feral catssince 1991. The Cultural Association Colonia Felina di Torre Argentina takes care of their health and nutrition